A Little About Humburg House of Girls...

I am a United States Navy Wife, Mom to 2 girls Adleigh (5 yrs) and Ashlee (2yrs end of this month). I am a SAHM with a passion for photography, cake decorating, and creating crafty things. I love my life........ even when things get a little hectic!

10 March 2011

Life is Good!!

Well, so far my day today has consisted of putting on shoes, putting them back on, searching for a name badge (Adleigh's for the bus), searching for good prices on my Air Optix for Astigmatism contacts as I need new ones for the year, and running Adleigh to the bus in the nasty rain (couldn't find the umbrella).Generally speaking, when I couldn't find the unbrella before I would jump in the car and park it at the corner so that Adleigh and I could cross the street and she could get on the bus. This I realize was the lazy way out to some but with the baby and her ears generally the rain early in the moring on missing umbrella days had an ear infection so we would drive. However, currently the 2001 Chevy Blazer I have is not working as the love of my life tore it apart to fix it last weekend and has not had a chance to get it put all back together.

      I have had to laugh at Ashlee now that her ear infection is cleared up again she is even more talkative. Last night she was so concerned with her Adleigh eating supper that she kept hollering at her "Alee e-e-eat!" it was too cute! She is becoming more "family" concerned every day and that in definately something I missed seeing when Adleigh was this age because I was working what seemed like all the time. I sure do love being home with the girls. Don't get me wrong I miss working outside of the house some days but not enough to give up watching my girls grow. I have to admit I am a pretty lucky mommy to get to watch my beautiful girls grow up.

    On another note, I bought me another SLR camera last night and I am very excited to get it in and start playing around with it! For those of you camera people I bought a Canon Rebel T2i with 4 different lenses and a bunch of other accessories all brand new!! I am soo excited! I can then start using it instead of my Sony A230 which is ok but I need more lenses for it and the camera doesn't do quite all of the things that I would like it to do. Now all is left is to purchase Photoshop CS4 or CS5. I have used CS4 in the past and really liked it however CS5 has an option to readjust parts of the photo that just don't quite look natual like that arm in a funny position. Oh, almost forgot probably should get a newer desktop too.

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